No more sickies!

Well, Jonas seems to be feeling much better. Yay! Yesterday he was a lot more tired than usual, and took a power-nap AND went to bed early. He didn’t sleep through the night; I think he woke up twice, but he was easy to get back to bed. This morning his appetite seems better and his energy level is more like usual. (Which means that I got to vacuum my bedroom, what with the cereal flakes he dumped all over the floor. And then picked up one at a time, to stack on the cat’s head. And then sang, “Duh duh duh DUH!” with each one – which, if you can’t tell, is the little, “I now crown you knight so-and-so” ditty that they sing on the Backyardigans “Knights are Brave & Strong” episode. Who knew bran flakes could be so much fun?)

We headed out to the Post Office this morning to mail the last of our Christmas cards and our packages. Uncle Jason, and Mimi & Aunts – yours should get there this weekend! Granddaddy & Grandmama – yours should be there the first of next week! I walked into the P.O. with Jonas riding high in the Ergo carrier, and three big boxes plus a lunch bag full of envelopes stacked in the stroller. The postal worker complimented me on my method of getting everything and everyone in the building. 😉 I told her that’s how I get around airports, too!

We’re predicted more snow this weekend. I have to run to the grocery store for my regular food shopping today or tomorrow anyway…. so I guess I’m going to discover how the locals behave before a storm. I’m hoping they don’t all go crazy with the milk and bread and batteries, because I’d really like a nice, quiet, peaceful trip to Kroger. Of course, if wishes were horses…

I have a few dozen pictures on the camera card that need to be uploaded and posted. Chris is on-call tonight and then again Saturday night, which always results in much more computer time for me (it’s just so hard to fall asleep when he’s not here!) so chances are good that I’ll get them up sometime this weekend.


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