Five Minutes’ Peace

A while ago – maybe eight weeks ago now? – I was whining about needing some peace and quiet. The hardest thing so far in the transition to two kids has been that a significant portion of my day is now consumed with one or both little people pulling, tugging, talking, or otherwise NEEDING me. It left me feeling exhausted and empty and going-a-little-crazy!

My Aunt Linda, who is a frequent lurker and occasional commenter here (and who is also no stranger to this dilemma, being the mom of five!), decided to let me know I wasn’t alone. She sent me a copy of Five Minutes’ Peace, by Jill Murphy, in which Mrs. Large (the mama elephant) is being driven to distraction in her search for some peace and quiet. It’s a sweet book, and it totally brightened my day. I have it propped up against my mirror in our room, where each time I catch a glimpse of it I have to grin again.

And today? My no-napper Supa-Crank conked out only half an hour into Jonas’ naptime…. so, dear readers, that means that I have TWO (count em! 2!) children napping. And Chris just called to say he’s on his way home, which means I may, in fact, make it out the door to the library all by myself as I’d hoped. And that? Adds up to WAY MORE than five minutes’ peace. 🙂


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