My 13 goals for 2013
1. Get three articles published.
Breastfeeding Success – due to be published Jan 2014
2. Finish Susannah’s baby book; start AND finish Abigail’s baby book.
3. Pay off USAA credit card and MBNA credit card.
4. Make memorials – use blurb to print Mom’s blog; create shadow box of Mom’s rosary, prayer book, and lace cap.
5. Read through Chronological Bible.
6. Read twelve fiction books.
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Catching Fire
7. Read twelve nonfiction books.
Looking Backward: My Twenty-five Years as a Homeschooling Mother, by Joyce Swan Native Guard, by Natasha Trethaway
Loving Each One Best: A Caring and Practical Approach to Raising Siblings, by Nancy Samalin
The Signal and the Noise, by Nate Silver
The Abolition of Man, by C.S. Lewis
When Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy by Lindsey O’Connor
8. Plan and take first overnight with Chris away from kids (after Abigail’s 2nd birthday in September).
9. Plan and take a girls’ weekend with HMA.
10. Get living plants for each room of the house and keep them alive!
11. Take Pax for walks (aim for twice per week).
12. Get larger life insurance policy for myself; get Chris insured.
13. Write living wills & regular wills; name guardians for kids.
2 thoughts on “13 For 2013”
It’s sort of morbid, but I want to work on wills and get all of our insurance policy info into an accessible place. When my grandfather passed, my grandma had no idea which policies he had and where any of the paperwork was. Needless to say, it’s been terrifying for her since he handled everything legal and financial. I do not want something to happen and not have a game plan, especially for the kids.
Yeah, I’ve been listening to Dave Ramsey and hearing him talk about how important it is for a few years, but there were so many excuses/reasons to put it off (still in residency, we were going to have to move again, etc etc). After losing Mom, it just made it that much more *real* that we need to get those ducks in a row. It’s one of those things that we probably (hopefully!) won’t ever need, but it would be beyond awful to need and not have.
The other thing I need to do, but didn’t make it on this list for the sake of preserving the thirteen thing 🙂 –is to put all of our important documents into either a fireproof box or a safe deposit box (birth certificates, life insurance, social security numbers, car titles, etc).