Revisiting Contentment
Investing in our space is a different way to be a good steward, and stewardship of our home helps us all to be more contented right here at home.
Investing in our space is a different way to be a good steward, and stewardship of our home helps us all to be more contented right here at home.
The last few years, the Lord has used lessons about submission, gratitude, and service to deepen and grow my sense of contentment. Those are the first three “building blocks” in this series. The final block that completes the foundation for contentment is connection. What do I mean by that? Well,
We are not alone. Dear friends, we are not the only ones wondering about how to shed the miasma of discontent. A venerable crew of bloggers have gone before us on this path. And since contentment can be so #contagious, let’s consider what others have learned & shared! “Start everyday
{Welcome back! Have you read the first few posts in this series? You can get caught up here. Go ahead: I’ll be right here when you get back.} When I was in 9th grade, I attended a Christian summer camp. It was a formative life experience – not only because I
My friend Carla is such a blessing. She’s the first Owensboroan I ever met, and the way we were introduced was such a fun little hug from God. She was the smiling, friendly reassurance that I would “find my tribe” here! Not only do I love hanging out with her
I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!
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