Category: Kids

Jonas Scissorhands

This morning, Jonas wanted to “make some art.” He had construction paper, scissors, a glue stick, crayons, old envelopes, and sticky dots. He hummed and worked and occasionally called out what he wanted me to see: a house! A foot! A letter for Daddy! Then the phone rang, and I

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Breakfast Jonas-isms

I made a big old-fashioned breakfast of biscuits, eggs,and baconthismorning. It was great fodder for some cute stuff from Jonas, like: Wow, this is amazing cooking, Mom! Can I have a Sizzle-Rick? (rememberthe McD commercial for their breakfast biscuits, where a guy namedRick rewards himself for loading paper in the

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Life Around Here

As we are preparing for Easter, it’s really amazing to see how Jonas is responding to the story this year. He is, first of all, very empathetic to the suffering of Christ this year. The facts of Good Friday are a big deal – as we drive around town or

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Happy Birthday, Little Girl!

Dear Susannah, You are one year old! And since I’m your mama, I get to use all those tired cliches about how fast the months have flown by, how big you suddenly seem, how it was just yesterday that you were a squishy newborn in my arms. Because it’s true!

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Shoob-i-dee, doob-i-dee….

(translation: this is a post of random ramblings in a lame attempt to catch up a little bit!) I’m on an energy high today. Susannah randomly slept 7 hours straight last night. Gasp! I know. We’d gotten into some bad sleep patterns on our trip (11 days in Georgia) and

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The Orp-rah-pee-dist Ah-toint-ment

Yesterday, I took Jonas to the “oprah-pedist.” An orprahpedist, in case you hadn’t heard, is a kids’ doctor who checks to see if your bones are strong. {Insert 3-year-old muscleman pose here.} Sometimes, the orprahpedist wants to take special pictures and you can’t say “CHEESE!” – you have to wear

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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