Category: health

Sweet September

Man, I love flipping my calendar to September. The promise of cooler fall days ahead – the change in the morning light streaming through the windows – the first day of school – I really love this time of year. Apparently that love of September is genetic, because Jonas woke

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Tuesday Morning

Hey, guess what!? It’s my sweet husband’s 31st birthday! Lucky me, he didn’t mind missing us for a few days… Lucky him, he gets to celebrate with some of the guys from work tonight AND again with us when we get home! 🙂 Mom and Dad left for Savannah around

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Road Trip!

This is a whirlwind day. I’ve got lists upon lists – to-do, to-buy, to-clean, to-pack… It’s tiring just thinking about it. Everything is underway, so I’m hoping to be finished and get to bed early tonight. The alarm goes off super-early tomorrow! I’m planning to leave around 4:00 a.m., and

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A Jonas Moment:

At the end of quiet time today, Jonas’ backpack was bulging. I nudged it and it seemed to weigh twenty pounds! So, of course, it begged the question: what’s in your backpack? “I packed my stuff for Grandmama’s house!” “What did you pack?” “Everything I need.” When I opened it

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Mom’s consult with the Gynecologic Oncologist apparently went very well. She said Dr Burke was personable and confident – both good things in a surgeon, just ask Chris! – and that he was optimistic about her surgery outcomes. He has patients participating in clinical trials right now, and thinks she

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Ovarian Cancer Resources

I tried to set up these links for the sidebar on Mom’s blog, and somehow accidentally put them as a post. I’ve finally wrangled them into her sidebar but the formatting still looks off to me. (Time to dust off my html-coding-skills, I suppose!) Anyway, I wanted to share here

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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