Category: Kids

pledge night 1998

Twenty(ish) Years Later

In the fall of 1998, I went off to college and found my tribe. The hills of Shorter College and the sisters of Epsilon Sigma sorority gave me an amazing three-and-a-half years of growth and love and challenge and grace and support and meaning. Ep Sig was a huge part

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We’ve lived in this house for over a year, now, and -as you do- we’re still in the process of decorating. There were several spaces that looked fine to guests, but weren’t quite done in my eyes. So this fall, we got a large rug for the great room and a

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Faith & Justice

I Had “The Talk” with My Preschooler.

But it might not be “The Talk” you’re thinking. “When we drive to At-a-lanta on Saturday, are we going to see that police again? Remembah last time we went to Georgia we see’d a police?” “Well, we will probably see at least one police car because it’s a long drive.

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There’s no day like a snow day…

  Our first snowfall of 2016 wasn’t too much. About two inches, but there was some freezing underneath. We woke up Sunday morning to news of churches cancelling services (including ours) and plenty of accidents all around the tri-state area. Normally, we would have just enjoyed a morning of hibernation.

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What’s up, buttercup?

I promised to get back into blogging this year, so how about a quick recap? Abigail is four years old. She attends Parents’ Day Out at our church two mornings a week and dance (combination ballet & tap) class on Friday mornings. We started the school year doing preschool at

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Real Talk

This seems to be a moody, contemplative day. Have a glance inside my head. This is real talk. I’m feeling twitchy, sitting at my kitchen table surrounded by stuff. We moved lots of things out of the upstairs bedrooms to facilitate the carpet project on Tuesday; when the guys left

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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