Category: Kids

At least she was being quiet.

When I opened Susannah’s door at the end of Quiet Time today, I quickly noticed a strange bright yellow spatter pattern all over her white bookshelf. My brain raced to process this: not pee, not vomit, what IS that? Then I spied a similar spatter pattern on the other end

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Susannah on Marriage

On the way to pick Jonas up from karate, I had another great conversation with Susannah. This time, her thoughts turned to marriage. She said something about marrying one of her friends… and when I suggested that might not be possible (since the friend is a girl), she rebutted with:

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Science Summer: How Attractive!

A new week, a new science “es-perience” (as Susannah calls them). I’ve been aiming for Thursdays, but this week that was a pretty busy day. We had a guy here all morning to install DirectTV and Chris got his great news about the boards and Miss Deanna came to babysit

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Science Summer: Wet and Wonderful

For our second week of science experiments, we actually did several quick and easy activities to explore the properties of water (and a little bit of phases-of-matter while we were at it). Surface tension is awesome. We filled a translucent cup with water and talked about how if we added

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Science Summer: Backyard Eruptions

It’s Volcano Day! As I’ve mentioned before, Susannah is a little bit obsessed with volcanoes right now. For weeks I’ve been thinking that we ought to make a baking soda volcano for her, and today we finally did it. First, I pulled up a great short video about the earth

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And Then On The Way Home…

(for the conversation I had with Susannah after we dropped Jonas off at karate, click here) When I picked Jonas up from karate, he told us all about learning the next eight steps of his kata. And then the conversation turned to building a tower high enough to reach the

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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