Category: Kids

I will reference this story at his wedding.

A few days ago, we watched “The Business of Being Born” — well, I fast-forwarded to the births in the movie. Jonas and Susannah are fast becoming experts in all this baby stuff. After we watched the scene where the lovely woman with curly hair squats in the middle of

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Overheard while they played this morning: Jonas: Now you go to sleep. And don’t let bugs bite you either. And when you say, ‘Dad!’ I’ll be right here. Jonas: {whisper} “Now say, ‘Dad!’ Susannah: Dad! Jonas: {very convincing sleeping-adult voice} Whaaat? Susannah: I want to go to the pool! Jonas:

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We Moved.

Life is too crazy when we move. I have been neglecting the blog anyway — and now it’s just ridiculous. I sent a “catching up” email to a few friends, so I realized I could use a few excerpts to update here as well. On Tuesday, July 5, I took

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“If you want to be a grump that’s okay…”

One of my all-time favorite songs to sing to the kids goes: If you want to be a grump, that’s okay; But go and be a grump a little further away! It’s not that I don’t love you, ‘Cause you know I do! Sometimes I’m grumpy, too. Here’s a snippet

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My Midwife Makes Me Smile

For this pregnancy, I’m getting parallel care. While we’re living here, I’m seeing the TriHealth Nurse Midwives (the same group of CNMs -certified nurse midwives- who cared for me during Susannah’s pregnancy) but I’ll be about 30 weeks pregnant when we move to Owensboro. So I found a midwife who

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Bring on the Terrific Twos!

Dear Susannah, You are two years old! (You really are. Even though every time someone asks you, you say with a grin, “I five!” When we reply, “No, you’re two!” you give us flirty eyes and say, “Yes. I am. I two!”) At your doctor’s visit this week, you weighed

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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