Category: health

Praise the Lord!

Grandmother Nancy, this one’s just for you: Thanks for your prayers, everybody. Remember G.N. over the next few weeks as she recovers – and remember to thank God for His goodness to our family throughout this whole time!

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Final Week of Radiation

Please keep Grandmother Nancy in your prayers.   After the weekend “off,” she’ll go back for her last 3 treatments. This past week has been a little hard – so please pray for strength and energy, and quick healing. I know she’s getting tired and her skin is tender, but

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Radiation Begins

Our Grandmother Nancy begins her radiation treatments today. They’ll continue every weekday for six weeks. Please keep her in your prayers – we’ll keep you updated. Always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is

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Can I get an “AMEN”?

People, I just have to tell you, we are some happy folks in the old House of Nebel tonight. Grandmother Nancy’s oncotype testing has finally come back from the lab, and it shows that the tumor she had is in a very low-risk category for recurrence. This is awesome news

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Rollercoaster Life

Well, I’m sure it’s not news to you: life is full of twists and turns and the inevitable ups and downs. It’s just not often that you hit both a high and a low in the same day. Yesterday evening, we found out that Grandmother Nancy’s pathology report came back.

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Update – and a call for fervent prayer!

We got an update last night – Grandmother met with her surgeon, and she is scheduled to go in for the procedure on Thursday. The doctor feels good that they caught it early, probably at Stage 1, and that she’ll be able to go home Thursday afternoon! The plan is

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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