Category: Parenthood

When You Feel “All Half”

This morning, Susannah wanted to call Granddaddy. “Hey, Granddaddy! You wanna do a video chat?” Of course, he said yes, and we got the laptops fired up for a nice, pajama’ed, messy-haired chat session. Susannah was her silly self, making up words and enjoying watching herself on the picture-in-picture box.

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Making Musical Lemonade Out Of Auditory Lemons

Today while I was fixing lunch, Jonas and Susannah started doing that ‘fun kid thing’ where they opened their mouths and just yelled, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” at each other as loud as they possibly could. No argument, no anger, no issues. Just yelling. And the annoying part (aside from the sheer volume)

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Parenting as Discipleship

I don’t love waking up all night long. Susannah’s at an interesting stage where some nights, she sleeps from 6:30 pm straight through until 6:00 am. But other nights, she wakes at midnight… and 2:00… and 4:00… more or less. She’s easy to get back to sleep; she just wants

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Losing My Voice

I posted on Facebook today that I heard my mother’s voice flying out of my head today. We were leaving the library, and Jonas had a stack of five books in his hands. As we passed through the automatic doors and neared the parking lot, I said, “Jonas, you have

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Not Where I Thought We’d End Up…

I think with a little boy, you just have to expect the unexpected. You really never know what they are thinking. Tonight, our bedtime talk centered loosely around babies. First there was this idea that Jonas and Susannah were “baby friends” when they “knew each other in my belly” before

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Adventures in Night Parenting

So, a few weeks ago, I was in bad shape. Before I had kids, I was a 9-to-10-hour-a-night kind of sleeper. Nowadays, I can certainly function on less, but I still have a bare minimum requirement. And it was NOT being met. Not by a long shot. The solution was

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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