Preschool at Home – an update

I can’t remember how much I’ve written about getting started with preschool at home, so forgive me if I’m repeating myself. 😉 I wrote a “curriculum” to cover September-May over a year ago, and then over the summer I wrote a couple of additional units since I felt like Jonas was ready to start doing a few activities and it would be nice to start out slow. We started in July & August, but probably only did 10 days out of each month. I had planned to do a full-on start in September, but visiting Nashville and then the long trip to my parents’ meant we skipped a LOT of days.

So, October has really been the kickoff! 🙂 We’re going to have a Bible theme each month (“God Wants Us to Pray”) with a story each week (this week is King Solomon, we’ll also do Hannah & Samuel, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and Jesus’ Baptism this month). A skills focus – this month is the color orange & shape: circle. Then math readiness skills (counting 1-10), science/health (autumn), music with a nursery rhyme and a song (Little Miss Muffet & Itsy Bitsy Spider). I wore myself OUT a couple of weeks ago getting everything ready – I broke my skills ideas down week by week, so that I’d have a written outline for what to work on each week so that it’s “covered” by the end of the month.

We’re not doing every subject, every day — it’s only about 20-30 minutes a day, and on days that we have playgroup or grocery shopping or something else that keeps us busy, we likely won’t do it. I’m shooting for 2-3 times a week.

The first day we did a lot – I have set up the side of our refridgerator that faces the dining room as a “board” of sorts. There’s a label for the month, a big orange circle with “orange” and “circle” labels, our Nursery Rhyme is printed out rebus-style, and a label with our Bible theme. So we had to talk about all those things, and then we did a couple of activities as well – sorting capital and lowercase A’s.

The next day we sang our “time for preschool” song, talked about circles again (I have a little fingerplay), circled all the A’s in the nursery rhyme, and read the story of King Solomon.

On Wednesday of our first week,  we read the Bible story and made the little craft I have (it’s a “paper doll” cutout of a little boy, with a “king” costume – so we’ll act out how Solomon was just an average guy until he prayed for wisdom and God made him the Wisest King.  VERY simplistic version of the story. 😀 ). We also did a tactile thing with A – writing A/a in shaving cream. And of course, we did our song & nursery rhyme again…

Anyway, so preschool is going really well so far. I had a lot of fun prepping my stuff for the month, and almost felt like the old days of getting ready for a classroom! 🙂 Jonas seems to really enjoy it, and he has been able to tell Chris and my mom about what he learned when they asked him later (he told my mom on the phone the other day, “I do circles, and…. Muffet!” It was cute.)

Here’s a slideshow of pictures of preschool activities – I could *not* get Photobucket to cooperate (well, it’s probably more of a WordPress issue. Any ideas how I can get around that?) but you can click through to see it:

This week, we’ll be starting the letter “B” and our story will be “Hannah Prays for a Baby”. Ironically enough, Jonas was stung by a bee today at the park. When we got home, I told him we’d have preschool when he got up from his nap and we were going to do “B” – and he freaked out for a few minutes until I used sign language to emphasize that we would be talking about the letter b, not the insect bee. 🙂


6 thoughts on “Preschool at Home – an update”

  1. Very cute! Isn’t it great that school is fun. I realize that I have been neglecting Zion’s school, because of working with Canaan. I don’t know how Mom’s with 4 or 5 kids homeschool them all at the same time. I guess I will have to figure that one out, one kid at a time!
    I hadn’t “seen” you in awhile on here. Glad to see that everything is good. You and baby have been on my mind several times lately, and thus in my prayers. Grow strong and healthy.

  2. Hey! A lurking homeschool reader on here.
    Have you seen the website:

    They have a complete preschool and nursery curriculum online, and though I don’t use ALL of any one thing, they do have some great resources and ideas for letter and idea themes.

    Just wanted to share. also, if you go to you can login as a guest under my user name “creativecarriet” and browse some of the homeschool sites I have found and bookmarked.

    Homeschooling is SO fun! I only wish I had known I was going to do it sooner and start like you are!

  3. Thanks, Carrie!
    I’m the same way – I’ve used a few good resources (I love but don’t do the full curriculum that any of them lay out. I like to put my own stuff together – usually because the theme I want to organize around is oddball enough that no one else already has it put together! 🙂

    I was homeschooled up through 6th grade, and I’ve always planned to homeschool – although I really didn’t think I’d homePREschool! That kind of evolved when (A) all of our friends’ kids hit this age and started discussing preschools and then attending, and (B) my language-delayed little guy suddenly became verbal and SO very interested in letters. I couldn’t resist capitalizing on that natural interest, you know?

  4. I completely know what you mean about the preschool thing! Some people worry about their 4 year old not being able to read and I’m thinking WHOA! Slow down there! Maybe your’s isn’t ready! ha ha. The poor kids, but I admit, I do it too…you don’t want them to be “left behind!” ha!


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