Motherhood needs an anthem…

I’ve been using a worship song as mine. We sang it at Immanuel this
morning, which reminded me that I’ve been wanting to write about this
for a while!

We will seek you first, Lord.
You will hear our voices
early in the morning and late in the night.
We will sing your praises,
giving you the glory,
offering our lives to you
a holy sacrifice.

May our praises rise as incense, O Lord, to you.
May our worship be a fragrance, O Lord, to you.

Isn’t that just about perfect? I am finding that when my day
begins by seeking God’s face, making time to come before Him, that day
goes infinitely smoother. We will seek you first, Lord — before we
get caught up in the business and busyness of our routines.

A few months ago, when it took ages to get Susannah to sleep each time
she woke up, I sang this song to myself in the darkness of her room.
You will hear our voices early in the morning and late in the night.
That’s the special territory of Mommy, at least in our house – those
early morning wake-ups and late night nightmares. How beautiful to use
those times as the chance to bring our little ones to the Father in

We will sing your praises, giving you the glory…. I think of this
when we literally sing God’s praises together, dancing around our
kitchen in the soft sunlight, baby pajama’ed feet and stinky little
boy feet and slippered Mama feet tromping to the beat. And I think of
it when I take a moment to point out the majesty of creation, a small
act of mercy, or an instance of providence – I want to always sing the
Lord’s praises to my kids, so they will recognize when to give Him the
glory in their own lives.

And no matter what I do- as I fold the laundry and wipe the noses and
clip the coupons and drive to the appointments and cook and clean and
read and teach- this is my heartfelt prayer: offering [my life] to
You, a holy sacrifice.
The more I embrace the idea of living out my
sacrifice in my mundane moments, the more those humdrum activities
have begun to bless me and to teach me.


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