“A Night to Remember” (or something corny like that)

I’m up earlier than usual… but I feel pretty good. I got five solid hours of sleep last night! Susannah is seriously bookin’ with the nightweaning. {Insert happy dance here.}

Another night of staying up late in order to have dinner with Chris = another night going to bed late. I think she went down close to 7:00 pm. I ran a few errands after both kids were down, but Chris said he didn’t hear a peep from her while I was gone. Her first waking came at 3:30 a.m. For those of us who still count hours on our fingers like this “7-to-8, 8-to-9,…” I’ll go ahead and tabulate: this kid slept 8.5 hours. Straight through. Somewhere, I think I hear an angelic choir singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.”

Since I’d gone to bed at 10:00, I only got five-ish, but I’m not complaining! No, sir! I am a happy, happy mama here! I got up with her at 3:30 and nursed her, of course. It was what I call a “good, long nursing,” with no wakeful playing around. She was intent on really eating, half-asleep before I knew it, and easy to put back to bed. 🙂

Now then. I went back to bed, too… but at 5:00 a.m., Jonas came to get me because of a MASSIVE FAIL in the nighttime training pants department. So after changing his clothes, his sheets, and putting him back to bed; oh, and hearing Chris’ alarm going off and giving him a kiss as he left for work; I was way too wired to just drift back to sleep.

Apparently my next goal needs to be less focused on Susannah NWing and more on getting both kids to sync up their sleeping/waking issues!


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