Category: health

60 Days of Crushing It: P90X3

         I’ve written before about my journey with fitness – finding what worked for me and made me happy, finding time to do it. I spent most of 2012 doing my own little thing: mostly resistance workouts with dumbbells and kettlebells and body-weight moves, and I was really pleased

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What’s Up With the Workouts?

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Sarah linked to a thought-provoking fitness article. The author wrote about how sometimes women get a little too hung-up on using our bathroom scales. She claimed that we ought to only weigh ourselves once annually at a doctor’s office. (To be fair, she

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Workout Resource

I just found the American Council on Exercise site – it’s a great resource! Their “exercise library” (click on GetFit, then select exercise library) can be searched by target body part, experience level, or filtered by what kind of equipment you have on hand. There seem to be a lot of

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Workout Updates

I posted a while ago about working out at home.” If I ever hit on a beautiful, creative, fulfilling solution to the puzzle – where I get to workout, and not feel guilty about it, and not ignore my kids in the process, and not neglect all the other things

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Perk #1

Sometimes living with a doctor has perks. I realized the other day that I ought to write these down, because sometimes living with a doctor sucks (ahem: two nights on call in one week, this week) and cataloging the perks might be helpful on days like that. So to start

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Working… Out, On, and In

Shocking confession time: I enjoy working out. Oh, I know. It shocked me too, when I figured it out. I was never an active, outdoorsy kind of kid. Exhibit A: my bicycle had training wheels until I was, like, nine. I just hated riding the darn thing and it took

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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