Category: health

Big Prayer Request: Grandmother Nancy

Oh, dear friends. I am so sad tonight. I’m trying really hard not to worry. Not to fret. Not to be anxious.  I’m trying to remember: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart

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Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow…

This is a hard post for me. First of all, I want to thank all of the friends & family who commented, emailed, and called us with congratulations and well-wishes when we announced our new pregnancy! It meant so much to us to hear from you. I know that your

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Five Years Ago Today…

We found out that Chris had testicular cancer. Thanks to a couple of amazing surgeons, oncologists, dozens of wonderful nurses, the prayers and support of our incredible friends, and of course our incomparable family, we made it through those tough months. Chris underwent an orchiectomy and a laparotomy and two

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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