My Restless Soul… and Soup (New Soup Sundays, Part 1)
One new soup recipe every week for a year led me on a search for Sabbath rest. Part 1: the writers and thinkers who helped me get started.
One new soup recipe every week for a year led me on a search for Sabbath rest. Part 1: the writers and thinkers who helped me get started.
Have you ever worked on the admin side of your own blog and been afraid you were wrecking the whole thing? This is exactly that. I apologize if you’ve tried to access posts and links and had trouble lately. I’m working on updating the categories, archives, and checking for dead
Pax Nebel was the best of the good boys… We feel a little bit lost now. The house is a little quieter. The Weims don’t seem 100% like themselves. Each of us has small waves of grief that well up unexpectedly. Our hearts are broken – but the love of
A few years ago, I started tracking what I read in the back of my planners. Then I discovered Goodreads, and switched to tracking there. I have to admit, I don’t use everything Goodreads offers — I’m lousy at remembering to write reviews, and I forget to check for friend
Learning the truth about the origins of the Enneagram in October 2020 was life-changing.
I was absolutely tickled when I found out I’d be included on the Mäksēlife Review Crew this year! (It’s pronounced “moxie,” as in “energy, pep, determination, & courage.”) I discovered this company last year when the rumors of a new planner on the block had just started swirling through the
I’m Michelle Nebel.
I write about faith and theology, my family, and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging.
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