Category: home


Spring Cleaning

It’s finally spring. Okay, today doesn’t feel particularly spring-like. It’s gray, gloomy, cold, and rainy. But a few days ago? It was sunny and 68°, my tulips and peonies were blooming, and birds were chirping… I started getting in the mood. You know the mood I’m talking about. That springtime

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How to Practice Hospitality During a Pandemic

If you’re like me, hospitality doesn’t always come easy.  Maybe it’s hard for you because you’re introverted. Or because your space doesn’t feel big enough to bring more people in. Or because your kids are young (read: loud and messy and take up lots of your time) or because someone

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Contagious Contentment

Revisiting Contentment

Investing in our space is a different way to be a good steward, and stewardship of our home helps us all to be more contented right here at home.

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Shake It Off.

2015 was a complete blogging dead zone, and for a long time I wasn’t ready to talk about why. For anyone new who stumbles across this blog and wonders, I’ll go way back to explain. In January 2012, my mom passed away. She’d been battling ovarian cancer for about eighteen

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Home Sweet {New} Home

This is mine. Well, ours. And I seriously can hardly believe it. We had back-to-back closings on this house and the one we’re living in.   Because in a so-crazy-even-my-realtor-had-never-heard-of-this-happening twist, the folks who owned that brick & stone beauty? Decided to put in a CASH OFFER on our 4-bedroom

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In Which I Do Not Know What I’m Doing

In about three days, I’m going to be the proud owner of a formal dining room. (Technically, this house has a space which ought to be a  formal dining room. However, as Susannah tells it: “Remember how we used to have a school room? And now it’s a BOX room!”) The

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Meet the author

Michelle, a white woman with brown hair, faces the camera with a smile. She wears glasses with clear frames and a shirt that says, "Those Goals Look Good On You."


I write about faith and theology, family and organizational tips. Always a planner at heart, I’m also a Bible study teacher and community volunteer. This is where I share a glimpse of my life, and I hope you’ll find the thoughts here encouraging!



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